Recently, I was working on a rewrite of one of our theme list posts and in the process I tested over 30 themes. By the end, I came to the unfortunate conclusion that the majority were junk. My gut feeling was that the “shiny cover, empty box” syndrome I encountered was more widespread than only…
Read MoreRumah Garam Mempercepat panen garam menggunakan bahan yang mudah didapat dan botol bekas Riset kolaborasi fakultas ilmu dan teknologi kebumian, institut teknologi bandung (itb) dan Yayasan lindungi ibu pertiwi Tim: KK Oseanografi: Dr. Susanna Nurdjaman (ketua) Dr. Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko Dr. Lamona I. Bernawis KK Geologi Terapan: Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan Indonesia mengimpor garam dengan…
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