The last course on 4 December 2020 marked the closing ceremony of international virtual course with the main topic of “Oceanography in the Framework of the Sustainable Development Goals”, which has been successfully hosted by the Study program of Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Dr. Irwan Meilano Dean of FEST gives opening speech and lecture about Introduction to FEST ITB

The 1-month course is joined by 65 participants coming from various countries from Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippine, and several participants from Permata Sakti Program. During the courses, participants shared opinions, thoughts, and experiences for SDGs implementation. Four best students are selected based on their performances on the course which are Eliezer II D. Hemoroz from Mindanau State University, Philippine, Zakia Sultana Juhi Universiti Sains Malaysia from Malaysia, Ainun Azhari, and Muhammad Firman Nuruddin from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.

A total of 16 Speakers are coming from the various institution from Indonesia and several schools across the countries from Korea, the USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and China. The divergent topic, perspective, and knowledge are given to the participants to aim for SDGs goals in many ways. The first week is held with the introduction to SDGs followed by the marine environment in the following week. The third week gave a different perspective to see the ocean and the fourth week filled with the discussion of climate change and its impact on the marine community. Finally, the last course talked about marine research and study prospects regarding its contribution to the SDGs.

Dr. Xiao XI from Ocean College Zhejiang University, China Gives talk about Blue Carbon Ecosystems

Dr. Daniel Friess from National University of Singapore Gives talk about Mangroves and Climate Change

Prof. Saleem Mustafa from Universiti Malaysia Sabah Gives talk about Ocean as a livinghood

Dr. Dwi Susanto from Maryland University (USA( Gives talk about Impact of Ocean Climate Variability on Marine Fisheries and Resources

Some photo sessions during the course

We would like to say our sincere gratitude to all who has supported the courses from WCU-ITB to the organizer committee.

We hope that this course giving you many benefit and opportunities to the participant’s endeavor. May we meet again in the future opportunities