Dr. rer. nat. Rima Rachmayani, M.Si.

– Marine Geology

– Ocean circulation/ ocean current

– Palaeoceanography

– Sea level changes

– Indo-Pacific Warm Pool

– Sea-air interaction

– Climate change

Figure 1 displays surface temperature anomalies during boreal summer (June-July-August-September) in Indonesia for 13 time slice (relative to Pre-industrial times, PI, numbers are given in 1000 yrs)

Research goal

To investigate the orbital forcing and greenhouse gasses on global, regional and local ocean-climate during past times, such as interglacial (e.g., MIS 15, MIS 13, MIS 11, MIS 5, MIS 1), glacial (LGM), and deglacial (younger dryas, Heinrich event/stadial, bølling-allerød)

Research scope

Marine Geology, ocean circulation/ ocean current, palaeoceanography, sea level changes, Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, sea-air interaction, climate change.