Iwan Pramesti Anwar, S.Si., M.Si.

Academic Assistant

Research Interest

Education Profile


M.Si. in Departement of Earth Sciences,
Bandung Institute of Technology


M.Si. in Departement of Oceanography,
Bandung Institute of Technology

Professional Profile

Academic Assistant in Department of Oceanography, Institut Teknologi Bandung


  • 2nd Winner of Shapefor Better Community HACKATHON dari U-Inspire dan UNICEF (2019)
  • Water-Wise Innovation Award dari Japan National Young Water Professional. (2018)
  • Penerima Beasiswa Unggulan, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan – RI. (2016-2018)
  • “Dean list” untuk prestasi akademik pada semester 5, 6, dan 7 di Prodi. Oseanografi, FITB, ITB.
  • Penerima Beasiswa XL Future Leader dari PT. XL Axiata Tbk,
  • Penerima Beasiswa Pendidikan dari Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat.

Professional Membership


Bermawis, L.I., Iwan P.A., Ahmad B., Aan J.W., Mutiara R.P. and Muhammad F. 2019. Estimation of Sea-Air CO­2 Exchange at Simeulue Sea during Summer Asian Monsoon. J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis (diterima).

Anwar, I.P., Mutiara R.P., Agus. S. 2018. Ocean Nume- rical Model Experiment on Estimating the Variation of Volume and Heat Transport. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Sci. 162 (1), 012001

Anwar, I.P., Mutiara R.P., Agus. S. 2017. Variation of Volume Transport and Variability of Current in Karimata and Gaspar Straits During 2010-2014 Based on Numerical Modeling. J. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis. 9(2):771-780.



Putri, M.R., Iwan P. A., Avrionesti. 2019. Kegiatan Lapangan di Pulau Pari, Jakarta Utara. Bandung. ITB Press. ISBN 978-602-0705-35-4

Putri, M.R., Lamona I.B., Iwan P. A., Avrionesti. Arsy I.H. 2019. Ayo Menggambar dan Mewarnai Hewan Laut. Bandung. ITB Press. ISBN 978-602-0705-15-6